Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.

HomeDubaiBachelor of Laws, LL.B.


The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics and Finance (Hons) is a 3-year Honours Programme.

This Bachelor of Laws, LL.B., course is offered at the Dubai campus.

The LL.B. course focuses on core domestic, comparative and international legal issues and prepares students with all necessary skills required to pursue postgraduate courses, or embark on a career in the public or private sector at national or international levels.

The course structure is designed to meet the needs of students who would consider to pursue higher studies or a career in countries whose legal system lies on either civil or common law. It features face-to-face lectures and tutorials, delivered by academics from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University and practitioners holding civil, common and international law backgrounds (consult the full Dubai campus Faculty). It also features modules which aim to provide students with a pluridisciplinary perspective.

The LLB programme is structured in four years, which includes an introductory year. If you have completed Grade 13 or a recognized foundation year at another university, you may be eligible for an exemption from the Introductory Year. However, please note that final approval for exemptions rests with the Ministry of Education.

Programme information
Senior Leadership:Guillaume Leyte and Nada Mourtada (Professors)
Course name:Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.
Degree type:Institutional degree (diplôme d’université)
Awarding body:degree is awarded by Paris-Panthéon-Assas University
Duration:3 years + 1 Foundation Year if requested
Study method:face-to-face (e-learning if needed)
Location:DIFC Academy in Dubai

LL.B. Course Syllabus

3-Year Programme | Taught in English

Teaching & Structure

Teaching Method

About 75% of the professors come from the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University campus in Paris, and 25% are renowned law practitioners.

Consult the full Faculty of the Dubai campus.

Mode of Delivery

All courses will be delivered via in-person lectures held on the Dubai campus, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

Courses will be taught exclusively in English.


  • Modules with practicals are usually subjected to a written examination of 3 hours.
    Each Professor is free to choose the form of the written examination for his/her class. Among other possibilities, the examination may take the form of a long essay (with one subject or a choice between different subjects), series of short and medium length answer type questions, case study (one or multiple case studies, with fixed or optional subjects), or a combination of two or more of those options. For each relevant subject, the written examination will be graded on a scale of 20 points and will make up 50% of the overall score for the said subject.
  • Modules with practicals are also subjected to a continuous assessment grade.
    The continuous assessment grade is made of multiple types of evaluations, depending on the choice of each Professor: attendance and participation in classes, progress made, practicals’ assignments, and quizzes. Quizzes should be organized regularly (every 3 to 5 classes) in order to assess students with a short MCQ or short answer type questions. These quizzes of a duration of 5 to 15 minutes can take place during class or online outside of class. For each relevant subject, the continuous assessment will be graded on an overall scale of 20 points and make up 50% of the overal score for the said subject.
  • Subjects which do not require practicals are subjected to either an oral exam or a written examination of 1.5 to 2h.
    Professors have free rein over the format of the final exam, which among other possibilities may consist of a medium length essay (with one subject or a choice between different subjects), series of short and medium length answer type questions, or a combination of two or more of those options. For each relevant subject, the assessment for the oral or written examination, graded on 20 points, makes up 75% of its overall score.
  • Modules without practicals are also subjected to continuous assessment.
    The continuous assessment is made of multiple types of evaluations, such as attendance and participation in classes, progress made, and quizzes. Quizzes may be organized regularly (every 3 to 5 classes) in order to assess students with a short MCQ or short answer type questions. These quizzes of a duration of 5 to 15 minutes can take place during class or online outside of class (for example using the Agor@ssas platform). For each relevant subject, the grade for the continuous assessment, graded over 20 points, makes up 25% of its overall score.

During the written examinations, if necessary, documents will be distributed to the students at the same time as the examination topics. In the absence of the express authorisation of the lecturer responsible for the subject, all information support, processing or communication (programmable calculator, IT tool, etc.) is prohibited. The use of all handbooks or documents containing personal annotations is prohibited. All cheating or attempted cheating is liable to disciplinary actions.

The first session consists of two examination periods. The evaluations for the first examination period cover all subjects which have been completed by the end of the first semester of the current academic year. They are held at the end of the first semester. Students are informed about the grades obtained. The evaluations for the second examination period cover all subjects which have been completed by the end of the second semester of the current academic year. They are held at the end of the second semester. Students are informed about the grades obtained. The second exam session dates will be determined at the end of the second semester; they are usually scheduled 2 weeks after the final grade are made available.

A semester is validated by the Board of Examiners if the student has obtained a grade equal or higher to 10 over 20 points.


The 2024-2025 academic year covers two terms and stretches from October 2024 to June 2025.

The LL.B. course covers 3 academic years + 1 Foundation Year (if deemed necessary), for a maximum duration of 8 semesters. The total time allotted to lectures and practical’s will be as per the information given below. Classes could be held up to six days a week.

Small adjustments to the programme content might occur depending on the availability of professors, the number of students per cohort, or exceptional circumstances. Optional elective courses might be replaced by a mandatory course. Students might be convened to Assas International Leadership Lecture Series in which attendance is mandatory as part of the students’ general culture and knowledge enhancement.

Foundation Year

Hourly volume of courses offered:
10 x 45 hours
450 hours of lectures

Year 1

Hourly volume of courses offered:
6 x 30 hours + 5 x 45 hours + 45 hours of methodology + 60 hours of practicals (4 x 15 hours)
450 hours of lectures + 60 hours of practicals

Year 2

Hourly volume of courses offered:
5 x 30 hours + 5 x 45 hours + 60 hours of practicals (4 x 15 hours)
375 hours of lectures + 60 hours of practicals

Year 3

Hourly volume of courses offered:
2 x 30 hours + + 8 x 45 hours + 1 x 20 hours + 60 hours of practicals (4 x 15 hours) + Internship program (16 weeks minimum)
440 hours of lectures + 60 hours of practicals

Entry Requirements

A minimum of a High School qualification (certificate of Secondary Education: Baccalauréat, Higher School Certificate (HSC), General Certificate of Education A-Levels (GCE), International Baccalaureate or equivalent). Candidates will be selected based on more than academic performances. The selection process values a more comprehensive approach to a student’s profile, including a student’s personality, open-mindedness, and inquisitive mind.

A committee consisting of two professors and/or senior lecturers at the Paris II Panthéon-Assas University will consider and approve each application. Such applications must be supported by:

  • A motivation letter;
  • A reference letter;
  • An official High School diploma copy or Official Statement of Results (candidates doing an early application by submit a Forecast of
    • Results/BAC Blanc/Mock results, however the final and Official Statement of Results will be requested before the candidate can join the course).
    • Candidates who wish to apply for enrollment directly into the second or third year must also include in their application the following:
  • A motivation letter;
  • University transcripts from all years attended.

Admission process:

Candidates can only apply once per academic year and are required to complete the following steps:

  • Submit the Application Form online.
  • Applicants whose applications are accepted will be invited to confirm their admission.

The online application system typically opens in January and closes around mid-September.

Candidates usually receive a reply within 15 days of reception of the application form.

UAE Campus
Presentation brochure

More information and application:

Recruitment team