Executive Programme 2025
Aircraft Leasing Post-Pandemic Trends by Laurent Grosclaude
Speaker’s Profile
Laurent Grosclaude
Professor/researcher of international aviation law
Laurent Grosclaude is professor/researcher of international aviation law at Toulouse University. He teaches for 20 years various subjects covering international company law, law of finance and international aviation law, in diverse institution (University, ENAC, ISAE- Supaero). He has an extensive teaching experience abroad, sp. in Asia (China mainland, HK SAR, Vietnam, Singapore…).
He also heads the International Aviation Law LLM in Toulouse University and partners with renown firms/institutions in the aviation sector (Airbus, ATR, Thales, Safran…). His main subjects of research are export control, economic sanctions, international company law, aircraft leasing tax regime, aviation sustainability.
He has recently launched a diploma devoted to Export Control and Economic Sanctions together with Airbus and Ashurst law firm.
The executive programme in aviation leasing and finance will cover critical elements of the aviation industry, with a focus on aircraft ownership, leasing models, and the fiscal and legal landscape.
Today more than 50 % of passenger’s aircraft are leased by the operating airline. The main reason for the success of leasing is the quest for flexibility. Leasing contracts include diverse clauses that aim at protecting the interests of the lessor. These deals imply the setting-up of a SPV in a suitable jurisdiction. Lessors’ favorite jurisdictions include Ireland, Hong-Kong and Singapore.
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Tuesday 11th February 2025
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Total 2h