Anne-Sophie Choné-Grimaldi
Professor – Competition law
Partner at Simon Associés.
Pr Anne-Sophie Choné-Grimaldi is a professor at Nanterre University since 2015 and of counsel at Simon Associés since 2024. She holds a PhD in Private Law from Panthéon-Assas University, which she obtained in 2011. After defending her thesis on abuses of dominance (an essay in competition law and contract law) published by Economica, she joined the University of Caen where she taught for four years. She then became Professor in Private Law in University Paris X (Nanterre).
Additionally, she is responsible for the “Agreements” column in the Concurrences journal, as well as the “Application of European Union law by the Court of Cassation” column in the Europe journal. Furthermore, she regularly publishes on topics of interest in digital law. Since January 2020, she has been the scientific director of the monthly journal L’essentiel du droit de la distribution et de la concurrence (Lextenso).