Caroline Kleiner
Professor – International Financing
Caroline Kleiner is full-time Professor of Law. She teaches at the University of Paris (formerly Paris Descartes) (Banking Law, International Finance, International Business Law, Law of International Contracts, Private International Law).
Following her Master degree in Private International Law and International Business Law and her PhD at the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) on Currency in International Private Relations, which received several prices, shebecame a lecturer at the University of Geneva where she taught international arbitration. She then becamean Associate Professor at Paris I. She passed the agrégation in 2013 and taught for six years at the University of Strasbourg before joining the University of Paris.
She has been invited to teach in different universities abroad (Kansai University and Doshisha (Japan), High School of Economics (Moscow), Bucarest (Rumania), Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires) and at the Academy of International Law (The Hague) and to participate to international conferences. She speaks fluently French, English and Spanish.
Caroline Kleiner is the author of numerous publications in international banking and financial law as well as international litigation. She comments annually the Monetary and Financial Code (1st book).
Pr. Kleiner is a member ofthe French Society of International Law (where she seats at the Academic Board), the French Committee on Private International Law, the French AssociationforArbitration, the European Society for Banking and Financial Law and the International Academy of Comparative Law.
She acts as expert and arbitrator in international cases.