Laurent Convert
Professor – Mergers and Acquisitions
PhD in Law
Laurent Convert is associate Professor at University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. He worked as a lawyer in London and Madrid, and made a work of research on comparative Company Law. His interest in the international field leads him to lecture regularly in deferent continents.
Specialized in International Business Law, in European Business Law, and in Company Law, whether from civil or common law systems, he lectured in Vietnam, Mexico, Ukraine, Eastern European countries, and African countries as well.
He is part of several international programs in which he provides courses in International and European Business Law to students coming from the USA(Northern Illinois University- NIU). He also provides courses of Business law and Company Law to students coming from China (UniversityofNankai).
In other respects he is also interested in the South American Systems of Law and the Spanish law system in general as he lectured inMonterrey(Mexico) and manages the double Master degree in French law and Spanish law held in common by the Universities of Barcelona (UAB) and Paris II.