Marie-Élodie Ancel
Professor – International Contracts
Marie-Élodie Ancel is a professor at University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, where she teaches private international law and comparative law. Professor Ancel regularly publishes case notes and articles relating to dispute resolution and applicable law, especially in the fields of contracts, intellectual property and e-commerce. Her first book was dedicated to The Characteristic Performance of the Contract (Economica, 2002) in French contract law and European private international law. Co-writer with Professors Pascale Deumier and Malik Laazouzi of a book on international contracts (Sirey, 2020), she also worked with Professor Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon on the sixth edition of her book Compétence et exécution des jugements en Europe (LGDJ, 2018).
In 2013, she created Lynxlex, an online legal database dedicated to the private international law instruments of the European Union. Furthermore, Professor Ancel is one of the vice-chairpersons of the Comité français de droit international privé, a member of the Comité français de l’arbitrage and one of the co-founders of the International Academy for Arbitration Law (Arbitration Academy).
Teaching Subject(s): Private International Law (Mauritius)
Campus: Mauritius, Paris, Singapore