

Considered as France’s first Law University and very well-known among many foreign countries, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is located in the heart of the Latin Quarter since the 13th century.

Paris-Pantheon-Assas University advocates diversity and cultivates a true synergy between research, instruction, and application. The university welcomes nearly 3,000 foreign students (15% of the total enrolment), as well as inviting over 200 guest lecturers every year. This vital opening to the world is assured by a continuous exposure to other cultures, philosophies, and diversified approaches to learning.

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is dedicated to upholding the tradition from which it arose, preserving, yet ever-striving to raise its level of excellence with respect to all fields of Laws.

The LL.M. in International Business Law

The LL.M. in International Business Law includes 210 hours of teaching and accommodates approximately 30 trainees over a period of 8 months (from October to the end of May).

The course deals mainly with practical case studies and certain key subjects, with a pluridisciplinary focus. The LL.M. prepares students and professionals for operations such as large acquisitions or market transactions, crossborder mergers, complex financing, restructuring, LBOs, financial engineering, and industrial projects.

The LL.M. AWArDS (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement)

The LL.M. in International Arbitration (AWArDS) includes 302 hours of teaching and runs from September to April.

The LL.M. AWArDS combines the excellence of academics and practitioners in the field of international and investment arbitration (lawyers, counsels, arbitrators, quantum experts, managers of third-party funders, artificial intelligence researchers, etc.).

Courses are delivered in the heart of Paris (at the Institut de droit comparé and at prominent law firms).
The program covers both international arbitration and investment arbitration. It combines the French perspective with a comparative approach. It also deepens other core aspects of dispute resolution mechanisms: mediation, negotiation, settlement agreements, international business litigation, etc.

The LL.M. in European Law

The LL.M. in European Law includes 288 hours of teaching and runs from early September to early May.

The LL.M. in European Law is a university degree designed for international students. The courses are taught by a genuinely European team of highly qualified professors bringing togetherParis Panthéon-Assas and reknown specialists from other European Member States.

The subject areas give students the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive understanding of European Law in most areas that fall within the competence of the European Union.

The LL.M. Public Law and Democracy

The LL.M. Public Law and Democracy includes 240 hours of teaching and runs from October to June.

The programme’s purpose is to provide international students with a set of courses at the crossroads of public law, legal theory and theory of democracy. The aim is to enable a new generation of scholars and leaders in the field of law and democratic government, and provide them with the theoretical baggage and the skills to approach modern problems of democratic governance and democratic reform. The emphasis will be put on legal theory and political theory, as well as insights on modern democratic government across the world.

About Paris campus

Assas Welcome Desk welcomes international students throughout their stay. The team advises and guides students through the administrative formalities involved in settling in France and helps them to integrate smoothly into the university by offering a wide range of cultural, sporting and festive activities. To learn more check our news and events.

  • Ever-growing and comprehensive library database: the Assas library offers resources specialized in law, economics and business administration and a database with online catalogues, publications, and periodicals. Click here to know more about the libraries.
  • Lecture room: a study room is available only for LL.M students.
  • Restaurant: cafeteria open from Mondays-Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • Sport Service: proposes over 60 athletic activities (among them rowing, boxing, fencing, soccer, swimming, rugby, yoga…), as well as specialized training. Spread over 200 time slots, from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, these opportunities are accessible at beginning, intermediate, and competition levels.Click here to learn more about the sport activities
  • Print shop: Available at the Library.
  • Internet and phone connections: Free wifi access around campus.

Want to read more about the Paris Campus, download the student handbook here.

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