Assas International was created by Paris-Panthéon-Assas University in 2011 to develop and promote its international programmes:
Assas International aims at preparing the future financial and legal directors, managers of holdings or big companies, or their counsels, to their positions, as well as professionals from all walks of life who need to acquire sound legal knowledge in order to advance their careers and take on new responsibilities.
The history of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has spanned the centuries and is the bearer of values that the entire university community continues to honour today. The foundation of the identity and sense of belonging to the university are numerous: achievement in excellence, respect for individuals, freedom of thought, attachment to the institution and its traditions, and many more.
As the direct heir to the Paris Faculty of Law and Economics, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is proud to maintain its prestigious heritage and to guarantee the continuity of the highly symbolic places where French law was born. With its innovative teaching and research of the highest level, today’s university pays tribute to all those who have helped make its history, while planning for the generations to come. It continues to bring law to life and to evolve, in complementarity with economic and management sciences, political science, and information and communication sciences.

The birth of the University of Paris and the teaching of law
Recognised by King Philip Augustus in the charter of January 15, 1200, then by the papal bull of Innocent III in 1215, confirmed by Gregory IX in 1231, the University of Paris was one of the very first universities to flourish in Europe and to influence medieval thought. The University of Paris comprised four faculties: decree (or canon law), medicine, theology and liberal arts.
The Faculty of Law in the 17th and 18th centuries
In 1679, with the edict of Saint-Germain, Louis XIV created the Faculty of Law, where, in addition to canon law, Roman law and French law were taught. This was the birth of French law. Following the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Collège de Lisieux in 1762, Trudaine, director of the Ponts et Chaussées and honorary doctor of the Faculty of Law, granted the construction of a new building for the Faculty on its site. Initially located on Saint-Jean de Beauvais street, the Faculty of Law moved in 1772 to the building designed by the architect Soufflot, located on the present-day Place du Panthéon, where the headquarters of the Paris-Panthéon-Assas University still stand today. Closed in 1793, the Faculty of Law reopened on 22 November 1805, after the promulgation of the Civil Code and the law of 13 March 1804, which created modern law schools.
The Faculty of Law of Paris
During the 19th century, the building on the Place du Panthéon quickly proved to be too small to accommodate the growing number of students, and law courses were taught in the Sorbonne. The Sorbonne church was even made available to one of the sections of the newly created Faculty of Law. The major and symbolic effort made by the Third Republic at the end of the 19th century to modernize the University of Paris resulted in the major architectural project of building the new Sorbonne by the architect Henri-Paul Nénot, on the exact site of the buildings, which had become dilapidated, of the Richelieu building. Jacques Lemercier’s church, the first Roman-style cupola in Paris, which houses Richelieu’s tomb by Girardon, a masterpiece of 18th-century statuary, will fortunately be preserved. The gigantic construction work and the complete redevelopment of this part of the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève street made it possible to double the surface area devoted to the Faculty of Law, by safeguarding the area currently delimited by the Place du Panthéon, the Cujas street, the Saint-Jacques street and the Soufflot street, whose new buildings, an extension of Soufflot’s original building, were inaugurated in 1900.
In the early 1960s, the modern centre built by the architect Le Maresquier on Assas street was able to accommodate an ever-increasing number of students. The Assas Centre was completely redesigned from 2009 to 2016 by the architect Alain Sarfati.
Following the events of May 1968, the Edgar Faure Orientation Law of November 12, 1968, profoundly disrupted the university system by putting an end to the existence of the Faculties. It sanctioned the splitting of the former University of Paris into 9 and then 13 new entities, including Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, which took the name of its two historical sites around the crossing of the Jardin du Luxembourg.
The university today
With 17 sites, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University covers 60,000 square meters. A remarkable architectural heritage which is also a signature of the university’s identity around the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, defended by all the presidents of the university, as heir of the former Faculty of Law and Economics of Paris.
Concerned about the environment of the people and the aesthetic quality of the places of knowledge, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has also thought out its locations to best meet the needs of the students, from the Vaugirard centres to the Panthéon, via the Assas Centre. The Melun campus offers the same quality of environment to all students who attend Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.
Key figures of the University
- Founded in the 13th century in the heart of Paris
- 17 sites
- 18,000 students
- 2,000 teacher-researchers
- 18,000 students
- 5 major fields: law, political science, economics, management, information and communication
- 123 national degrees in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies, 69 university degrees (DU)
- 20 double and triple European degrees
- Preparations: agrégation conferences, bar admission exams and magistrates’ exams, etc.
- 5 doctoral schools
- 24 research centres
- 1,000 students enrolled in doctoral studies
- 200 theses and dissertations defended each year in all disciplines
- 1 physical and digital university library with 200,000 volumes
- 22 specialised libraries
- 1,200 paper journals and 30,000 French and foreign professional digital journals
- 300 international cooperation and exchange agreements
- 3,000 foreign students welcomed each year
- 150 foreign professors invited each year
- 3 campuses abroad: Dubai, Mauritius and Singapore
Student life
- 282 student associations
About Assas International
- LL.M. in International Business Law in Dubai, Mauritius, Paris and Singapore.
- LL.M. AWArDS (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement) in Paris.
- LL.M. in European Law in Paris.
- LL.M. in Public law and Democracy in Paris.
- LL.M. in International Construction Contracts in Singapore.
- A Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) in Dubai and Mauritius.
- A BA in Economics and Finance in Mauritius.
- Executive Programmes open to professionals, may be attended in-person or remotely.
- A Summer School: consisting of several Summer Courses taking place in July, open to Bachelor’s and Master’s level students and professionals.
All the degrees are delivered by Paris-Panthéon-Assas University.
Whether in Dubai, Mauritius, Paris or Singapore, all courses are taught in English, by Professors of Law from Paris-Panthéon-Assas University and professionals acting in the legal field coming from France, Europe, Asia and Africa. All courses strongly focus on case-studies and deepening of key subjects in a transversal and pluridisciplinary perspective.
The LL.M course prepares students and professionals to master important cross-borders mergers or financial transactions, funding, restructuring, LBO, financial engineering, and setting-up of industrial projects. These transactions are particularly interesting as they raise many difficulties and lead to the adoption of innovative solutions. Their study and the analysis of the legal, financial, and accounting issues they raise are particularly formative. Students and professionals will tackle with different viewpoints and in a very interactive way the contracts, the guarantees, the funding or the settling of international trade disputes, just to quote key areas.
The LL.B. Bachelor of Laws (Dubai and Mauritius Campus) is a 3-years course dedicated to HSC / BAC graduates. It offers a unique comparative blend of Common law, Civil law, International Law, and Emirati/GCC or Mauritian law. By emphasizing on core business and international legal issues, it provides an in-depth view of key legal subjects and is undoubtedly a strong basis for any legal career.
- LL.M. in International Business Law in Dubai, Mauritius, Paris and Singapore.
- LL.M. AWArDS (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement) in Paris.
- LL.M. in European Law in Paris.
- LL.M. in Public law and Democracy in Paris.
- LL.M. in International Construction Contracts in Singapore.
- A Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) in Dubai and Mauritius.
- A BA in Economics and Finance in Mauritius.
- Executive Programmes open to professionals, may be attended in-person or remotely.
- A Summer School in Singapore: consisting of several Summer Courses taking place in July, open to Bachelor’s and Master’s level students and professionals.
Academic Board
– President of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University
– Dean of the Singapore campus
Pierre-Emmanuel AUDIT
– Co-Dean of the Singapore campus
– Director of the LL.M. International Business Law – Singapore campus
Guillaume LEYTE
– Dean of the Dubai campus
– Dean of the LL.B. and LL.M. courses on the Dubai campus
Anthony MERGEY
– Dean of the Mauritius campus
– Director of the LL.B. course – Mauritius campus
Emmanuelle CHEVREAU
– Vice president in charge of International Affairs of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University
– Co-Director of the LL.M. European Law – Paris campus
– Co-Director of the LL.M. in European Law – Paris campus
Daniel COHEN
– Director of the LL.M. International Business Law – Paris campus
– Director of the LL.M. Public Law and Democracy – Paris campus
– Director of the LL.M. AWArDS
– Director of the LL.M. in International Business Law – Mauritius campus
Bertrand CRETTEZ
– Co-Director of the BA in Economics and Finance (Hons) – Mauritius Campus
– Co-Director of the BA in Economics and Finance (Hons) – Mauritius Campus
Vincent LELOUP
– Director of studies of the LL.M. in International Construction Contracts – Singapore campus
Frédéric GUILLON
– Director of the LL.M. in International Construction Contracts – Singapore campus
– Co- Director of the LL.B. and LL.M. in International Business Law – Dubai campus
Tan Choon Leng, Edward Andronicus
– Manager/Director of Assas International School (Singapore)
– Lecturer
Aarathi Arumugam
– Manager/Director of Assas International School (Singapore)
Administration, Finance & Recruitment team
Paris campus
Nathalie OLIVIER
– Executive Director and manager of the International degrees and campuses unit
Virginie SEBILLE
– Administrative officer for the international courses and campuses unit
– Administrative officer for the international courses and campuses unit
– Administrative officer for the international courses and campuses unit
Christine LE SAUX
– Administrative officer of the LL.M. in European Law
Sabrina Marie
– Administrative officer of the LL.M. AWArDS
Singapore campus
– Executive Director
Mauritius campus
– Executive Director
– Administration and Finance Officer
– Administrative assistant
Vilakshana SUCCARAM
– Marketing & Admissions Executive
– Social Media & Communication Manager
Dubai campus
– Administrative officer for the international courses and campuses unit