Emmanuelle Chevreau
Emmanuelle CHEVREAU is a Roman law Professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas université, President of Section Legal History of the Conseil National des Universités and President of the Conseil National du Droit as well as Director of the Institute of Roman law. Mrs. CHEVREAU holds a double undergraduate degree and a double master’s in Law and History from Paris 2 University and Paris IV-Sorbonne University. She also directs an International PhD program on “legal pluralism” in association with the University of Palermo (Sicily).
She is the co-director of the LL.M in European Law.
Professor CHEVREAU is a specialist of Roman private law and her research focuses on the Roman roots of European private law. She has written several books: Les Institutions de l’Antiquité (Lextenso, 2014), Histoire du droit des obligations (LexisNexis, 2011), Droit privé romain (Lextenso, 2009), Le temps et le droit en droit privé romain (De Boccard, 2006) and many articles as well as on Private Roman law, Roman commercial law, and historic foundations of European Private law. She is also a member of several editorial committees of French and foreign recognized law publishers. She is regularly a visiting professor in many universities not only in Europe but also in the US, Chile, Argentina, and Lebanon.
Teaching Subject(s):
– History of the European Idea,
– Historical Foundations of Legal and Political Systems.
Campus: Mauritius, Paris.