Martin Collet
Professor – Public and Tax Law
Martin Collet is Professor of Law at Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), where he manages the Master program in tax law, and is member of the Conseil des prélèvements obligatoires.
He is the author of many publications on taxation, public finance and administrative law and is also a board member of several law journals. He has experience as a consultant and has been a partner of Corpus Consultants since its creation in 2011 by Robert Badinter, former French Minister of Justice and former President of the French Constitutional Counsel. Professor Collet recently published Finances publiques (LGDJ, 3ème éd., 2018), Droit fiscal (Presses universitaires de France, 6ème éd., 2017), L’impôt confisqué (Odile Jacob, 2014) and Procédures fiscales (Presses universitaires de France, 3ème éd., 2017) with Pierre Collin.