HomeFaculty MembersRaphaël Mellerio

Raphaël Mellerio

Lawyer – Commercial Law

Raphaël Mellerio is a French avocat with more than 20 years of experience in various business law areas, including mergers and acquisitions, commercial and industrial contracts and international commercial law.

After graduating from the universities of Paris and Edinburgh, he joined the international law firm Clifford Chance where he practiced in London and Paris and spent 10 years before founding the French law firm Aramis, a 30-lawyer firm based in Paris and spanning a wide range of business law areas.

Today, he and his team focus primarily on advising French and foreign clients in their investment projects in France and abroad (including other parts of Europe and Africa). He also assists companies on a regular basis in the setting up of complex agreements in the field of franchising and industrial transactions. He is a regular contributor to various legal publications on the subject of franchising.