“Lawyer in his/her environment” by Carina Rogerio

Yesterday, Carina Rogerio held the workshop “lawyer in his/her environment” to our LLM students in Singapore

BMI Abu Dhabi fair: done! Great opportunity to promote Sorbonne-Assas International Law School in UAE
Congratulations to Stéphane Braconnier, Dean of Singapore Campus of Sorbonne Assas – International Law School, who has just been elected President of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University!
This interview features the directors of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University’s international campuses: Guillaume Leyte (Dubai), Anthony Mergey (Mauritius), and Pierre-Emmanuel Audit (Singapore), discussing updates and new developments on their respective campuses. Here’s a summary: Guillaume Leyte (Dubai) highlights that their LL.B. Bachelor of Law programme will soon be integrated into the National Admissions & Placement Office (NAPO),…
A very warm welcome to the new LL.M. students of Sorbonne-Assas International Law School, Singapore campus!
18 July 2019 will forever be marked in the history of Uniciti Education Hub as the first Graduation of Assas International law School LL.B. students class in Mauritius. Heartfelt congratulations to the Graduates!
A Warm Welcome to our new students of the Paris campus 2016/2017. We are delighted to have students coming from new destinations ; Indonesia, Israel, Mongolia and South Africa. Wish them all success in everything they do!