News & Events
Welcoming Session for 4th intake Bachelor of laws – Mauritius Campus
It’s a new beginning for the freshers of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) – LL.B of Sorbonne-Assas – International Law School (University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas) who joined their classes for…
LL.B. Graduation Class of 2019 Video
What a day to remember! A day where all the hard work, sleepless nights, resilience and persistent efforts seem to pay off…Graduation Day! Guillaume Gillot, fresh graduate of the Bachelor…
Article on the first Graduation Ceremony – Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. published in!
Uniciti: première remise de diplômes pour 50 étudiants. Une cinquantaine d’étudiants de l’Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas et de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes ont reçu leur diplôme jeudi 18…
The first Graduation Ceremony – Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.
18 July 2019 will forever be marked in the history of Uniciti Education Hub as the first Graduation of Assas International law School LL.B. students class in Mauritius. Heartfelt congratulations…
Interview with Anthony Mergey, Academic Dean of the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws
Anthony Mergey, Professor of Law at University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, talks about the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws Program offered by Assas International Law School. For more information on the LL.B…
Prof. Malik Laazouzi – 2019 Mauritius Arbitration Week
Professor M. Laazouzi, the newly appointed Dean for the LL.M., was a speaker during the 2019 Mauritius Arbitration Week organized by the MARC (MCCI Arbitration and Mediation Center). University Paris…
Mauritius Campus
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