GCR 5th Annual Law Leaders Asia-Pacific Conference

Sorbonne-Assas International Law School and Global Competition Review would like to invite you to attend the 5th Annual Law Leaders Asia-Pacific Conference, taking place on 3-4 of March 2016 at Maxwell Chambers, Singapore.
The two-day event, which is to be co-chaired by Susan Ning, King & Wood Mallesons, and Chong Kin Lim, Drew & Napier, will include leading enforcers, private practitioners, academics and corporate counsel to discuss topics at the forefront of antitrust law.
For the full programme please visit: www.globalcompetitionreview.com/Singapore2016
To register at the discounted SAILS rate of £750, please click here: https://www.regonline.co.uk/?eventID=1772930&rTypeID=555713