Testimonial of Ruben Capela

“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of RUBEN CAPELA (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2015 – Paris Campus)
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“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of RUBEN CAPELA (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2015 – Paris Campus)
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Jeannette Blaise – Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Hons) 2023’ Soon after receiving my acceptance letter from Paris II Panthéon Assas in January, I started researching apartments in Mauritius. I was so excited and I wanted to leave right away! I found the perfect apartment a short time later and booked it immediately, little did I…
Paris-Panthéon-Assas University / Assas International will be holding an open day in Paris on Tuesday 10th May, 2016 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm (French time). We will provide to attendees: We look forward to meeting you! REGISTER ONLINE ⟶ assas-international.com/event/in-house-event-paris-tuesday-10th-may-2016/
Students of the LL.M. in European Law program took their studies beyond the lecture rooms of the Institut de Droit Comparé in Paris with a visit to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Luxembourg.
Warmest congratulations to our Paris Panthéon-Assas LLM students on their hard-earned and well-deserved success!
When a team from the German television channel DW (Deutsche Welle) TV comes to film a report on “Studying in France” at the first French law university, Paris Panthéon-Assas university, this is what it looks like…
“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of NUNO MIGUEL VICTORINO (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2015 – Paris Campus) ⟶ More info :