Testimonial of Ana Carolina Di Giacomo

“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of ANA CAROLINA DI GIACOMO (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Paris Campus)
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“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of ANA CAROLINA DI GIACOMO (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Paris Campus)
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LLM AWArD’s director, Pr. Dr. M. Laazouzi co-organized an international conference at University Paris Panthéon-Assas (Institut de droit comparé) on the relationships between International arbitration and European Law
“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of NUNO MIGUEL VICTORINO (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2015 – Paris Campus) ⟶ More info :
We would like to invite you to this year’s LLM’s inaugural lecture by Professor Timothy Endicott of the Oxford Law Faculty, to be held on October 9.
“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of FLAVIO COSTA (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Paris Campus) ⟶ More info :
The International Law School Admission Team was delighted to host a booth at the annual Paris-Pantheon-Assas University’s Forum des Formations which took place yesterday at the Assas Centre in Paris! We had the opportunity to meet and discuss the range of undergraduate and graduate programmes offered on our four campuses, Dubai, Paris, Mauritius and Singapore,…
Are you ready to embark on a journey into the intricate world of European Law? Look no further! Applications are now open for the prestigious LL.M. in European Law programme.