LL.B. Graduation Class of 2019 Video

LL.B. Graduation Class of 2019 Video

What a day to remember! A day where all the hard work, sleepless nights, resilience and persistent efforts seem to pay off…Graduation Day! Guillaume Gillot, fresh graduate of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LL.B. takes us through that journey when he recalls in a snapshot his three years of study at Sorbonne-Assas – International Law…

Article on the first Graduation Ceremony – Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. published in lexpress.mu!

Article on the first Graduation Ceremony – Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. published in lexpress.mu!

Uniciti: première remise de diplômes pour 50 étudiants. Une cinquantaine d’étudiants de l’Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas et de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Nantes ont reçu leur diplôme jeudi 18 juillet. Cette cérémonie de remise de diplômes de Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism et Bachelor of Laws (Hons) LLB, s’est tenue au Caudan Arts Centre….

Interview with Anthony Mergey, Academic Dean of the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws

Interview with Anthony Mergey, Academic Dean of the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws

Anthony Mergey, Professor of Law at University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, talks about the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws Program offered by Assas International Law School. For more information on the LL.B. Bachelor of Laws delivered in Mauritius: https://assas-international.com/ll-b/

Prof. Malik Laazouzi – 2019 Mauritius Arbitration Week

Prof. Malik Laazouzi – 2019 Mauritius Arbitration Week

Professor M. Laazouzi, the newly appointed Dean for the LL.M., was a speaker during the 2019 Mauritius Arbitration Week organized by the MARC (MCCI Arbitration and Mediation Center). University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas was a proud sponsor of this exciting event where our (soon to be…!) LL.B. (Hons) graduates also gave a helping hand ! Well done…

Mauritius Arbitration Week – with the participation of Prof. Malik Laazouzi

Mauritius Arbitration Week – with the participation of Prof. Malik Laazouzi

The MARC (MCCI Arbitration and Mediation Center) is hosting its second edition of the Mauritius Arbitration Week from 10 to 14 June 2019 and University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas is a proud sponsor this year. This major event will be marked by a series of events, presentations and discussions and will gather the finest professionals and…

Concours d’Eloquence in Mauritius – March 2019

Concours d’Eloquence in Mauritius – March 2019

Congratulations to Alexia Quenette Year 1 student of University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas | Sorbonne-Assas International Law School, who was just the best at the Concours d’Eloquence en langue française. She featured among the 10 finalists who had to perform a 5-minute oral exposé about ‘Les traditions, richesse ou carcan?’ and she tackled this exercise just brilliantly!…

Inter-University debates in Mauritius – March 2019

Inter-University debates in Mauritius – March 2019

Three students of Uniciti Education Hub just took over the finals of the Inter-University debates in Mauritius and will fly for the regionals in Madagascar. Tanya Fitzgerald, Year 3 LL. B student of University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas | Sorbonne-Assas International Law School, Patrick Pougnet and Reeghesh Juleemun, both Year 2 students of SUPINFO International University…

Alumni Networking event – Mauritius campus

Alumni Networking event – Mauritius campus

Uniciti Education Hub and Sorbonne Assas – International Law School organised the first LL.M. Alumni Networking event in 2019 at Flying Dodo Brewing Company Bagatelle! This gave our Sorbonne Assas – International Law School alumni (classes of 2016, 2017 and 2018) a chance to catch up and network! Thank you for being our greatest ambassadors, and…

Q&A D. Cohen – How to develop a Career in International Arbitration?

Q&A D. Cohen – How to develop a Career in International Arbitration?

Prof. Daniel Cohen, Dean of Paris Campus and lecturer on the LL.M. International Business Law course offered by University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas in Mauritius, led a very interesting lunch session on Friday, 11 January 2019. He gave insights into international arbitration and advice on how to develop a career in this field! This event was the 5th…

#Utalk event – Cybercrime and Criminal Law

#Utalk event – Cybercrime and Criminal Law

Professor Ghica-Lemarchand from University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas launched the first of our #Utalk events with the theme ‘Cybercrime and Criminal Law’. She is an expert in criminal law who teaches on the LL.B. programme here in Mauritius. #Utalk will be a series of talks on a variety of fields and that will take place on…