LL.M. Day 2017 – Singapore Campus

Sorbonne – Assas International Law School and Pantheon Assas with LL.M. International Business Law students in Singapore Campus were pleased to welcome as guest speaker Mrs Christine Ockrent journalist and former chief operating officer of France 24 and RFI. She gave a very interesting conference about “Donald Trump’s first month in office”.
The Summer Course 2018 is already over..!Big thanks to all participants, Assas International Singapore hopes to welcome you soon again on campus!
Whether they are face-to-face or remotely, it’s a real joy to welcome our freshers & our returning LL.B. (Hons) – Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University students on campus today. Welcome all of you to the academic year 2020-21! #highereducation #llb #lawdegree #llbinmauritius #mauritius #unicitieducationhub #lawprogramme #bachelorstudies #universitylife #studentlife #universiteparis2pantheonassas #pierrefondscampus #bacheloroflaws #studyinmauritius #newacademicyear2020 #sails
The Singapore campus of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University is thrilled to introduce its latest programme: the LL.M. in International Construction Contracts.
18 July 2019 will forever be marked in the history of Uniciti Education Hub as the first Graduation of Assas International law School LL.B. students class in Mauritius. Heartfelt congratulations to the Graduates!
Farewell dear LL.B students of University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas Mauritius Campus! Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Hons) ⟶ Enroll now for September 2019 Intake