LL.M. Day on campus in Singapore [Video]

When a team from the German television channel DW (Deutsche Welle) TV comes to film a report on “Studying in France” at the first French law university, Paris Panthéon-Assas university, this is what it looks like…
On Monday 16th November, Pantheon ASSAS University and Sorbonne Assas International Law School (Paris II) started its first LLM promotion in Mauritius. The day started with an induction for students to officially enrol, to meet each other and taste the student experience that is offered by the university. For the 2015-16 batch, Mauritius enrolled 17…
Dates: 26-27 May 2022The Asia-Europe Law and Business Symposium is held online. Pierre-Emmanuel Audit, Dean of the Singapore campus, will speak on the first topic:CONVERGENCE OF DATA PRIVACY AND RULES STANDARDS FOR CROSS-BORDER DATA TRANSFERS FRAMEWORK Synopsis This Symposium builds on the cooperation between the French Embassy in Singapore and the Singapore Academy of Law…
Testimonial of Virginia Pisco Amador (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Singapore Campus)
University Paris-Panthéon-Assas and Assas International School will attend TechLaw.Fest 2022 and will lead an exciting session on Tokenisation & Trading in the Metaverse.
Sorbonne – Assas International Law School and Pantheon Assas with LL.M. International Business Law students in Singapore Campus were pleased to welcome as guest speaker Mrs Christine Ockrent journalist and former chief operating officer of France 24 and RFI. She gave a very interesting conference about “Donald Trump’s first month in office”.