LL.M. International Business Law Graduation Ceremony – Mauritius Campus

Mauritius Campus – LL.M. International Business Law Graduation Ceremony | Classes of 2020 & 2021
Here’s the proof that hard work and determination can pay! Congratulations to our Mauritius Campus LL.M. classes 2020 and 2021 who were finally able to celebrate their achievement ! Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas is proud of you ! You have been through the toughest time of the pandemic but you made it with flying colors. You deserve this celebration!
We are particularly grateful to HE. Mrs. Florence Caussé-Tissier, Ambassador of the France to the Republic of Mauritius for her presence during the event, invited by the Dean of the LL.M., Prof. Malik Laazouzi who hosted the ceremony.
All sanitary protocols were observed – masks were removed for the purpose of the picture only.