LL.M. AWArDS – Paris Campus

The International Law School is honored to add a new programme to the range of graduate programmes under its responsibility at the Paris-Pantheon-Assas University.
Under the direction of Pr Malik Laazouzi, professor at Paris-Pantheon-Assas University, member of the French Council of International Private Law and of the French Branch of the International Law Association.
The LL.M. AWArDS is a demanding programme taught to a limited number of students as to allow interactive teaching. Courses are taught entirely in English, in Paris, and are devoted to international (commercial and investment) arbitration and the settlement of international commercial disputes.
Structured with a combination of lectures given by academics specializing in arbitration or international litigation, as well as experienced and renowned practitioners, the cursus is divided into core courses on arbitration, specialization courses, including courses on some of the major sectors involved in international arbitration and dispute resolution, elective courses and practical workshops.
Applications are open for a short period of time. Make sure to complete your application file on time through the University’s application platform: candidatures.u-paris2.fr.
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