Testimonial of Georgia Diederichsen

“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of GEORGIA DIEDERICHSEN (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Singapore Campus)
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“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of GEORGIA DIEDERICHSEN (LL.M. International Business Law’ 2019 – Singapore Campus)
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Congrats to Constance Tardieu, Priyantika Sinha Roy, Clément Dureau-Hazera, Per Larsen and Simon Jettenberger for the launch of their association “International Club for Professionals in Law and Corporate Finance”. The purpose of our Association is to promote the sharing of knowledge, network and work experience between students and young professionals who come from varied backgrounds such as: Law, Finance, Accounting and…
This week, Sorbonne-Assas Singapore had the chance to have Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) on campus, who run a very interesting workshop on mediation. Between role plays, panel discussion and other activities, our LLM students had the chance to get into the world of mediation during these 2 days. A very warm thank you to…
This year’s symposium will focus on the policy coordination and cooperation on Legal Tech between France and Singapore.
Singapore Campus – LL.M. International Business Law Graduation Ceremony 2022 Congratulations to our 22 graduating students! They received their diplomas from Dean Pierre-Emmanuel Audit, Professor of Paris-Panthéon-Assas University. We wish them all the best in their respective careers and future endeavours!
Discover the inspiring stories of our students, recipients of the Assas Scholarship by the Fondation Assas. They share their unique experiences and key takeaways from the Summer Course in Artificial Intelligence hosted by Paris-Panthéon-Assas – Singapore Campus. This exceptional programme offers a unique opportunity to blend innovation with academic excellence!
“Where are they now ?” – Testimonial of THRISHTY COOSHNA (Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. (Hons)’ 2019 – Mauritius Campus) ⟶ More info :